Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry
Need to Know
Don't aim for the true pass, which is slightly to the east, a large cliff is in the way.
One of Sherman peak's steepest open runs, a few might be steeper within the cliff system, but they're not as fun. If you travel just to the east of the main scree fields, there's a steeper more treed slope, but don't go too far east or you'll end up above the cliff system, which only has a few gaps to pass through. Best mid-season when coverage is thickest, in early season, some rocks may still be showing.
From the summit, travel due north to the east of a line of trees, travel through a small clump of trees. Then keep following the line of trees downward. At about 6700' there's a small break in the trees, go through the gap veering east onto the scree field, in the center of the field another small gap leads to the next field. Once at the bottom you can travel through the woods to the trailhead.
Shared By:
Jacgoat Gregg