Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry
It's easy to miss this fork of the
Desolation Lake Route if you're not watching carefully enough. In any case, make sure you're in the right drainage if, while hiking up the Desolation Lake Trail, your goal is to get to the
Powder Park area. Invariably, there will be skin tracks going all over the place, so you have to think about the line drawn on the map as a general guide as to which way you need to go.
Once in this area, there are many lines to choose from. Choose your ascents carefully to mitigate risk, and measure your slope angles. There are many runs here a fair ways below the magic 38 or 39 degrees, if I'm not mistaken.
This place may be a good option for high-hazard days. The problem is that it's no secret, and Utah's population is exploding.
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