Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry
Although Wolverine Bowl is intermediate, the terrain to exit the Bowl is steeper and can be a little tricky. After skiing the Bowl, bear slightly skier's right to continue down the intermediate Tuscarora Bowl. As mentioned in the description of Tuscarora Bowl, you'll need to pay attention when you exit that bowl if you want to avoid the Upper Mary Lake Chutes.
If you exit Tuscarora Bowl high and skier's right, you can ski the apron below The Seagull. That will deposit you on Lake Martha.
It can be a bit of a slog across Lake Martha or Lake Mary. You can bear skier's left to minimize the slog, although this will put you on slightly steeper terrain.
Wolverine Bowl can be accessed a few ways:
From Alta lift accessed: Ride Supreme chair and hike into Catherine's area staying to the right. Boot pack or skin from Catherine's Pass to the top of Mt. Wolverine and come down ridge into Wolverine Bowl.
From Alta human powered: Skin up the Alta Summer road then gain the ridge for
Patsy Marley and navigate around Wolverine Cirque until you peak Mt. Wolverine.
From Brighton lift accessed: ride Brighton's Milly chairlift and either exit the Milly backcountry gate and skin towards Wolverine Cirque booting up
Stupid Chute. OR for more vert boot up the ridge to the summit of Mount Millicent, and ski down the ridge toward Wolverine Bowl. When you reach the low point on the ridge (just above Tuna Chute), put on your skins and continue up the looker's right-side of the bowl to the summit.
From Brighton human powered: Start at Millicent base and skin up to Twin Lakes Pass staying left of the reservoir. Continue South to SE to Stupid Cute. This can be accomplished up the Brighton Resort Lost Maid trail up to Lake Mary and up Tuscarora Bowl but terrain traps are present and this route is steeper.
Shared By:
Asher Margolies
with improvements
by Kimball High