Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry
This is a very short but tight chute that is hourglass shaped to the riders left of 100s.
Depending on snowpack, it can be too narrow. I've never ridden it when it was any wider then my board is long (161cm), so for me it's always been a line it up and point it affair. I generally scout the line from the aqueduct then hike back past 100's and hike up the gully, or scout then approach from above.
As with most of the really steep lines, it can be intimidating to approach and feel really sure that you are where you want to be. The Hourglass, however, is pretty easy to spot from above.
I generally make my way down the spine above the huge cliff in an attempt to cut whatever might go below me and be able to at least get funneled through the choke instead of swept off the big cliff to the left.
Having said that, I have had a 6-inch slab pull out on me while entering, I was ready for it and had lined up so I just went straight through the choke. Quite interesting such a small face with such a shallow slab could end up being waist-deep as I came through the choke with it. It is a pretty clean exit as you can keep going straight and the slide will go down to the aqueduct.
Shared By:
Jason Kaplan