Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry
Need to Know
Parking is at the top of Vail Pass on the eastbound side of the highway which has a skier's lot located below the snowmobiling lot. The trailhead is across the bridge over the highway.
Casual tour at high altitude most of the way up. Last pitch or so is between 30-35°. Beware of early season conditions and the avalanche forecasts since a lot of the terrain is below pitches of 30°+.
This ascent is moderate as well as the ski down if you stay on the same side. However, you can drop in on the other side of Lobster Claw for a more extreme descent but you'll have to climb back up to the ridge line to get back to the parking lot after.
Shared By:
Danielle Taylor
with improvements
by Thomas Beatty