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Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry
Need to Know
Parking fees at Aspen Grove.
The route begins at Aspen Grove Trailhead. Ascend the snowbank west of the parking lot, then proceed NW to connect with Alpine Loop Road just after the winter gate. Follow the road for ⅔ a mile to the hairpin turn to the left. As soon as the turn is nearly complete, follow the skintrack NW away from the road to cut off the long switchback.
When the skintrack cuts across the road, leave the skintrack and turn to your right to follow the road as it heads NE. Try skate-skiing here; this section of the road is flat enough for it. Continue to follow the road as it heads NE all the way until it turns back SW. At the head of the turn, leave the road, continuing NE along the drainage until you reach the snowy-white foot of the sub-ridge heading east above you. You'll see this sub-ridge as you approach - it's the one with the obvious boulder on its face.
Climb the white foot (found somewhere near 40.4208, -111.6000), and ascend the ridge! You'll soon notice that you're surrounded by great ski terrain as you pass through a large open area. Push through the trees on the uphill side of it, and you'll see why this ridge is fun skiing. This ridge is steep enough to slide, but its convexity should decrease avalanche danger. That said, there's no reason not to mitigate avalanche danger on the uphill by sticking to the gladed area on the north of the ridge. Switchback up to 8000', then head east to enter North Fork Lower Meadow. You've ascended the first ridge - time to ascend the second. Travel through the meadow near the treeline on the north edge some 200 yards. There, you'll reach where the meadow has a tail extending north along a drainage bottom. Leave that meadow following the drainage bottom through a beautiful aspen forest heading NNW. You'll go some 300 yards before you encounter another meadow, North Fork Hollow at about 8160'. Right as you reach the hollow, turn right and ascend the relatively-clear slope some 270' to the top of North Fork Ridge at 8433'. Enjoy the best sunrise in the Wasatch, as you look over Heber Valley!
You should budget just over two hours to reach North Fork Ridge
Shared By:
Josh Martineau